Kelly Jean Gillow
Contemporary American Painter, Author and Illustrator
“Art has always been a part of me for as long as I can remember. Like the air I breath, like every heartbeat in me, it’s natural and pure- a beautiful, fun, expression… like a fun, exciting, colorful gift!” As a child, Kelly Jean always loved to create. “I am so happy and grateful today to be so closely connected with my inner child and to have an internal passion for art and creation. I absolutely love creation, to create!” Kelly Jean believes that each and everyone of us enters life already pre-packaged with gifts, talents, passions and purpose. “Our job is to unwrap the gifts we have within us as we move throughout our journey. The act of becoming is constant. We are always becoming more like the person we are intended to be. Art for me is the act of creating, expressing feeling and thought. Art is my gift and passion and part of my higher purpose in life. I want my art to radiate all things good in every person who fuses with my work.” Kelly Jeans art expresses Thoughts and feelings that are mostly powerfully positive & fun and the purpose of the works are to bring more of those thoughts and feelings into her viewers lives through constant viewing and fusion with the energy of the artwork on a continual basis.
“My art is a collaboration of inspirations through my very own looking glass influenced mainly by my natural environment and higher faculties. In most of my work I love mixing colors and creating patchworks of new colors and textures. My passion for art is also a foundation for my love of illustrating and writing for children and resonates with my inner child. I love still feeling like a kid myself and so I play with childlike subject matter at times and in most of my work, I love to use bright, beautiful, bold color. I do not limit myself necessarily to a specific subject matter or medium, I love variety & there is so much to experiment with like an artistic scientist! In my gravitational work, I utilize bright, bold colors and surrender the work to the gravitational pull of our beautiful planet, mixed with perfect oscillation timing and then I let the natural infusion of my thoughts and feelings about the piece just flow!”
Kelly Jean Gillow resides in the United States in the beautiful Pocono Mountains of Pennsylvania on her farm with her husband Jon and their 3 lab pups Coda Bear, Oliver Otis, and Charlie Parker, along with all of their chickens, ducks, roosters and geese. Kelly Jean has been instructing children for over 20 years of all ages in the fields of art & science. She is owner of her company, Country Home Learning & Art Center. Kelly Jean is an author and illustrator, and she is also a certified professional mindset coach in her business Kelly Gillow Consulting. Kelly studied through the Proctor & Gallagher institute.
“Art is a direct connection to higher intelligence, the kind we can only see in our imaginations- it’s an energy so pure and perfect it should almost never be judged as anything less.”
-Kelly Jean Gillow
Learn more about me here:

Owner, Country Home Learning & Art Center

May 13, 2021